Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Theater Room Simulation

This past weekend Joe and his dad went and picked up our two new couches for the theater room. Before building the couch platform, Joe wanted to figure out how high the back couch needed to be compared to the front and how much leg room would be needed. We took a couple of the couch sections out on the back deck and Joe hauled some cincer blocks up the stairs to set the back couch on. We were able to figure out exactly how far away and how high we wanted the back couch to be from the front. I'm sure we looked pretty awesome to the neighbors! You know we're that cool...


Becky said...

Nice - but how do you put up the footrests now?

Em said...

Unfortunately, you won't be able to utilize the recliners in the back row :(

*FARMERS* said...

wow it is looking really fabulous em! i am excited for you guys! :)

dutchlvr said...

You guys are hilarious :)